Intelligent Log Books

Intelligent Log Books

Intelligent Logs replaces the traditional paper logbooks with our electronic version which meets the requirements of SOLAS, IMO, Marpol and various flag states. These electronic log books are designed on a secure digital platform that enables quick and easy entry of data with data validation fields to reduce human error.

Intelligent Log Books

Intelligent Logs, replaces the traditional paper logbooks with our electronic version which meets the requirements of SOLAS, IMO, Marpol and flag states. These electronic log books are designed in a secure digital platform that enables quick and easy entry of data with data validation fields to reduce human error.

Forms & Checklist

Intelligent Logs has extended the same advanced software architecture used to develop its electronic logbooks to the Forms and Checklist module. In addition to the basic forms and checklists provided such as arrival, departure, bunkering etc., the user can create customized Forms and Checklists to meet his/her company’s specific needs.

Touch-screen/tablet compatible checklist viewer

-Easy-to-use dynamic solution that provides you with the freedom to create and monitor SOPs on board the vessel through checklists and forms

Compliant and approved Log Book System from Bahamas & Marshall Island Flag States

iLogs comes with an inbuilt Business Intelligence tool that allows you take informed decisions.

Secure and reliable system that allows for digital signoffs on completed logbooks.

Summary of the completed checklists is saved locally which can be printed and can be automatically shared with the shore office

Business Intelligence

With Intelligent Logs, you have much more than a Logbook system. Our Business Intelligence module is designed to collect and analyze your data to optimize your operational results.