Navigate Into The Future with iLogs


Core Benefits

No more papers, no more waste & no more photocopying. Replace your traditional paper logbooks with our “Intelligent logs”, the cost effective electronic solution.

Data entry is through mobile devices

Allowing a single entry at the location of job being carried out.

Decrease workload and

Paper logs are replaced, saving both time and effort for the onboard team, while its data validation feature reduces error rates significantly.

Enhances transparency

You can see whether or not logbook entries are being made at the time of the actual event or hours later.


System has a robust security feature, controlled by a combination of user name and password combined with your choice of biometrics or facial recognition.


Once an entry is saved it can be corrected but details of initial entry will always be visible with our strike-through feature.


Both our Forms and Checklist modules come with a set of standard forms and checklist with the most exciting aspect being the dynamic capability to create the form or checklist to meet your operations specific needs.

Business Intelligence

As the name of our electronic log system implies, “Intelligent Logs” provide for the collection and analysis of your data to optimize your operational results.

Easy to install

Our four step installation guide makes it easy for a novice computer user to install.

Easy to use

The simplified layout of our input screens and in app instructions guide make it easy for authorized users to navigate through the system.